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Thursday, March 14, 2013


Maybe, Americans need either the Lone Ranger and Tonto or Sergeant Preston with his King, or both, to come to their rescue. But, these three men and wonder dog King are all in retirement now. Like it or not, America is in a war started by members - both inside and outside DC, of subversive organizations with not only legal challenges but also economic challenges.

In the end however, We the people will have to use the Article V for a convention of states to work hard to alter our federal constitution and wring the corruption from the central government in DC with creative amendments to the constitution to secure the American Way of Life of, by, and for future generations.

The presidency's failure to use the federal antitrust laws is a legal matter. For many decades now, this failure to stop the illegal monopolists who deal in necessaries of life such as gasoline, oil for heat, and the like is an economic matter that has hurt America's middle class without any criticism from the congress and the supreme court.

The federal antitrust laws are "dead letters". Part of the  the history behind the federal antitrust laws is the Statute on Monopolies that the settlers brought with them from England when they came to the country that everyone now knows as America. The English Statute on Monopolies bans monopolies like the East India Company by a grant from the English Crown. In America, the only legal monopolies from America are patents to inventors, copyrights to authors, and trademarks to businesses for certain periods of years.

Regardless of any other proposals and their ratification, the Article V convention, now in their nascent stages, may fail for economic reasons. The states must propose and ratify these two amendments to the federal constitution: a. for the congress to forthwith  to create on the presidency's Department of Justice a duty, with sanctions, to faithfully execute the federal antitrust statutes to end illegal monopolies and b. retain the present salaries for members of the congress but reduce their time on the job from twelve months to four months to avoid their "idle hands are the devil's workshop" approach to management of the American Republic.  The Department of Justice must break up the ExxonMobil, the Chevron Texaco, and the other illegal monopolies in all industries that deal in necessaries of life into smaller companies in America. These two amendments will not be easy to carry out but the survival of the American of Life is now at stake. The illegal monopolists are greedy, lazy, and predatory and will over the years also economically hurt them as well.

Click to watch a video that last six and one half hours. This convention is a simulation of the real convention that will come in the future - exactly when is uncertain. This convention is among the various states in America. The purpose of this convention is for proposals by the states to amend the America's federal constitution. The amendments are to put fiscal constraints, limits on powers, and for term limits that will require the members of the congress, presidency, and supreme court to use the rules of law in the constitution as the Founders intended. These amendments are to place fiscal restraints on the central government, confine them to the powers that the Founders intended for them to have, and impose term limits for the members of the central government in DC to end bribery, corruption, and waste in America's central government as much as is humanly possible. This convention is an Article V convention.Click on "Click Here to Skip to Coverage" to watch the video.

After you watch this video, you will understand why subversive organizations, whose members act in secrecy to avoid their use of the Article V convention which requires openness and transparency, as they try to topple the American Republic and destroy the beautiful American Way of Life. The Article V convention will make changes to America's federal constitution to preserve the American Way of Life. Those members acts are either the crime of treason or the crime of the attempt to commit treason.

The Founders of the American Republic were good people who had experienced the tyranny of King George III of England. They drafted the documentary foundation ["blueprint"] of the Republic to safeguard Americans from tyranny of the King and other future dictators. Historical development of the Republic required the thirteen original states in America to establish a central government, not the other way around. The central government - the Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court - is like a child who grew up with an ugly personality from association with greedy and lazy people to the parents' disappointment.

The Congress, Presidency, and the Supreme Court make up the United States of America - a government separate from, but inferior to, the states. This inferior body politic has only specific, not the broader general, powers of the states. The individual is at the center of the blueprint and the federal and state govern with the individual's consent.

Actually, our Founders are the best nation builders in the history of mankind. Their blueprint allowed the middle class to use their energy to develop the American Way of Life with its prosperity. Greedy and lazy people were unable to take their eyes off that prosperity. They want to destroy the American Way of Life for their  personal financial gain in violation of the rules of law in our Declaration of Independence and our constitutional plan.  

The basic premise of the blueprint is that sovereignty lies with the people who, with their states, are superior to the central government because they alone have the legal authority to restrict the central government to the terms of the Founders' blueprint by the use of their right to alter or abolish that  government in the Declaration of Independence whenever that government becomes destructive of the people's unalienable rights.  The people by their states enforce that right at a convention of the states through Article V of the federal constitution as Alexander Hamilton forcefully says in Federalist Paper Number 85. Click to view a video on how America's states may legally restrict a corrupt congress, presidency, and supreme court in Washington, DC to the Founders' blueprint to perpetuate the American Way of Life for future generations. Click to view a short video for the reasons why a convention of states is necessary .

Key members of the central government have, for some time now, voted their branch - be it the congress, presidency, or supreme court - to exceed their specific powers set forth in the blueprint through the crime of bribery by greedy, lazy people who want to topple the Republic - all at the expense of the inhabitants of the now fifty states whose great collective wealth attracted the attention of members of certain secretive, treasonous organizations.

For many decades now, members of secretive organizations such as the Bilderberger Group, the Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations wanted the wealth and productivity of the Republic for themselves. International bankers such as the Rothschild banksters and other illegal monopolists are also in the background for this treasonous movement to overthrow the American Republic as they attempt to steal the the middle class's wealth. Those members are the modern day King George III's, but worse. Greed has always existed but greed with the intent to destroy is different.

Those members had to ignore the rules of the Founder's federal constitution such as its Article V that requires their transparency for changes to that constitution. To use Article V, the members would turn on the bright lights of publicity on their secret plan to topple the Republic. So, they used money to corrupt specific members of the Republic's Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court in an attempt to topple the American Republic and, at the same time, to prevent public awareness their plans, for example, by a media blackout with the help of news media outlets such as ABC, CBS, and NBC.

In the last sixteen or so years, the American middle class has sensed an involuntary transfer of their wealth to rich people and have seen a general decline in the productivity of their Republic but without an awareness of the plans of  the members of those secretive organizations to clandestinely take their wealth and to destroy the American Way of Life.  

Click to view Greg Abbott's plan for amendments to the federal constitution at a convention of the states, with safeguards to avoid a runaway convention, to restore the American Republic in line with its Founders' intentions. Greg Abbott is the Governor of the State of Texas. Governors of other states have joined his plan to reverse the illegal operation of America's central government through corruption and the movement for the convention is in progress.

Another good approach to the reversal of the illegal operation of the central government is to criminally prosecute current member of the congress and presidency for violation of their oaths to uphold the federal constitution and other laws but amendments to the federal constitution at such a convention is a more durable remedy for the legal maladies within the American Republic. 

Click to read a short story about the plan of the Rothschild bankers to control the economy of every country on earth and they will use illegal tactics to carry out their plan. Click to read about Justice Antonin Scalia's role in the US Supreme Court and his death.

Click .
Who are these fourteen people in the picture? Their faces do not look like the faces of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison. Ordinary Americans have never voted for these people to enable them to make decisions about how to run the American Republic. Whoever these people and whoever are their puppeteers are, they have no right to alter in any way the American Way of Life. Ordinary Americans must tell the members of the Congress and Presidency to ignore these people and run their Republic as the Founders intended. What ordinary Americans need is the opportunity to vote into their central government the likes of the Founders.

Article V of America's federal constitution requires the participation of members of the legislatures in the fifty states in America in the way that is consistent with the laws of the American Republic and the American Way of Life. These fourteen people and their puppeteers must openly present their plans to members of the Congress. Those members have taken oaths to uphold America's federal constitution which protects the ordinary individual, not the rich who want to destroy the American Way of Life for their personal financial gain. Those members must reject those plans if they do not conform to the constitution as America's Founders intended. Otherwise, foreigners will be able alter the American Way of Life, at will, contrary to the requisite consent of ordinary Americans. The Declaration of Independence with that consent in it is the way the Founders' preservation of the American Way of Life. The rule of law versus the law of the jungle.

In the past, these rich puppet masters have illegally persuaded enough members of America's congress to simply enact a statute to which the president puts his signature - a rubber stamp. This charade violates  the laws of the American Republic. But, the statutes below are unconstitutional and void for a failure of two thirds of the members in congress to first propose an amendment to the federal constitution to allow such a statute to be valid by ratification of at least three quarters of the state legislatures in America as Article V requires. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is an example of Hamilton's "enormous doctrine of a right of legislative repeal " and such a statute is void for failure of congress to comply with Article V. The 1993 NFTA and the 2005 SPP, both with Canada and Mexico, are also examples of void statutes in America's statute books. These examples alter the American way of life too much and fail to conform to the American constitution. Eleven other nations are part of the Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, which makes it un-american. For that reason, use of Article V is mandatory before the congress can vote on a statute such as the TPP for a president's signature.

Click reveals this charade but the authors do not mention the civil and criminal remedies for torts and crimes by these small pools of rich.. The three authors refer to less than 400 "rich" families as a "small pool of rich donors" who through the crime of bribery subvert the American Way of Life of two to three hundred million good, innocent Americans.  Do these small pools of rich donors have exposure to litigation in state courts for substantial damages? How can they use the crime of  bribery to subvert the the American Way of Life for their personal gain and not expect to be the target of litigation for large damages and prison time?  On a smaller scale, it is like burglars who enter a home, steal all of its contents to subvert the family's way of life, and not expect to pay for the family's losses and not to do jail time for their crimes of burglary and theft? The members of the congress and presidency who let this subversion happen also have exposure to litigation for civil damages and the crimes of bribery and treason in the same way that the pool of rich donors have exposure.

The rich who number less than 400 families, as the authors point out, have hurt about 250,000 million innocent Americans and greatly disrupt the American Way of Life.

The amendment procedures in Article V can stop the TPP before it becomes another example of a void statute. Politicians will lie and say that it is a valid statute without any mention of Article V. Members of  America's congress must realize that  Article V gives durability to the Republic but with flexibility to make changes in its legal structure only after three quarters of the state legislatures first decide whether they want a statute like TPP. Congress must not ignore the states when it comes to TPP which, like NFTA, will change the way Americans live and will not make more jobs for Americans as its proponents threaten will happen. Nobody can predict the future.

Apart from the legal jargon, how can Canada and Mexico participate in operation of the American Republic? They can't. They are foreign nations and are not even part of the Founders' blueprint for the American Republic. Americans can not vote their "presidents" into any public office of the American Republic. Another question needs an answer: Does NFTA have a sufficient basis to rebut the U. S. Supreme Court's presumption against for NFTA's enforcement beyond the territorial limits of America? Very doubtful.

In the late 1700's, the Founders of the America's Republic thoughtfully drafted documents of the American blueprint for governance with the consent of ordinary Americans to avoid dictatorship and tyranny. The crime of bribery and lack of accountability, not the blueprint, are the problems.

Click to read about the American people's right to overthrow tyranny. Has America's federal government become tyrannical? It surely looks more like a tyranny as every year passes.Also, click to read how George "read my lips" Bush and his son, George W. Bush have bushwhacked Americans on Main Street to secretly steer them away from the path of the Founders' American Republic. Click the internal link "North American Union" in  this article for more details about NFTA and SPP.
Were the assassinations of President Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, and other presidents who opposed a central bank, now the Federal Reserve Bank, in America mere coincidences? Careful thought will show that a pattern exists: any American president who tries to either eliminate the central bank or restrict its term of years that it may regulate the American dollar will be the target for assassination.

Click  to read another example of how the Congress has earned the title as "a do nothing congress". It is bad enough that President Woodrow Wilson in late 1913 ignored paragraph 5 in Section 8 of Article I of the federal constitution, without use of the procedures in Article V of the constitution for change to it, when he signed a law to establish the Federal Reserve Bank. Now that Bank,  unconstitutional and illegal entity, needs Europe's permission to raise interest rates for bank accounts of every American to let them have more money to enjoy and restore "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" that the Founders intended for them to have.

Americans never expected that "Europe" to have any voice in how Americans live. Their form of government does not allow such a voice. Does Jonathan Golub hear his own words? What did Woodrow Wilson do to generations of Americans? He ignored the foundations of the American Republic.

Click to read Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of America's federal constitution. We the people gave Congress, accountable to We the people, the power to "coin money and regulate the value thereof", not the private bankers, not accountable to We the people. In 1913, Congress gave their power to regulate the value of the dollar to private bankers who have illegally regulated the value of our dollar to hurt American families. 

Every good American must support Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" to end that bank once and for all time and return the job "to coin money and regulate the value thereof" to the Congress. Then Americans must elect capable and honest Americans to Congress, accountable to the voters, as the Founders intended, to return to the American dream.

Operate the American Republic in the way that its Founders intended and the world will be a better and safer place in which to live for everyone except international bankers and other illegal monopolists. The Congress and Presidency live lavishly beyond their means and powers that the States that "We the people" have given them. Click to read how a coalition of twenty-six states, by their attorneys general, persuaded a panel of  the Federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that Obama has illegally changed the immigration laws of the American Republic and let an injunction stand.

More about the bilderbergers later but, for now, it safe to say that their goal is to destroy America's middle class as a preliminary step to their experimental one government world with only the rich and poor as its inhabitants. Click to read who in the congress is ready to help the bilderbergers and their puppet Obama achieve their insane goal and make the American worker even a weaker part of their Republic. The two members in the House have taken a friendly position toward Obama in direct conflict with the House litigation against Obama which is hostile. These three members of congress, like Obama, have violated of their oaths to uphold the federal constitution which they now ignore to help the enemies of the American Republic.

For example, Big Oil is "too big to succeed", not "too big to fail". How can the American Republic run correctly as the Founders intended when the crime of bribery is a business tool in Washington, DC of large corporations and the bad rich?

Click to watch a video about oligarchs. From the late 1800's to the mid 1900's, members of Congress made laws: collectively, the federal antitrust laws. These laws helped make the American Republic a great nation which gave its inhabitants the best equitable distribution of wealth among the rich, middle class, and poor. The purpose of those laws was to break up the illegal monopolies into smaller companies to make competition - the life of trades - and give ordinary Americans lower, stable prices at least for necessaries of life such as the dirty fossil fuels: gasoline and oil for heat.

Click to read about the objections that some people - the anti federalists - had to the adoption of the federal constitution. Some of their objections were sound and their fears about the congress and presidency unfortunately have become a reality. Also, click for more insight into the debates over adoption of the federal constitution. Rich people - at least the bad ones - have exploited the weaknesses of the American Republic with their business tool of money for their personal financial gains at the expense of ordinary Americans. Click learn the identity of some bad rich who support presidential candidates who help them stay rich if anyone of those candidates become America's next president. But, Rand Paul, on the other had, wants to obey the constitution as the Founders intended for the benefit of ordinary Americans in line with the goals of the twenty-six attorneys general set out above.

So, who influenced the Congress and Presidency to make the federal antitrust laws "dead letters"?

In the last fifty plus years, Congress and the Presidency have badly managed America's central government in Washington DC. First, the presidency's failure to enforce the federal antitrust laws has made America a casino where Big Oil and bad rich gamble at the expense of a captive middle class whose only choices are to either pay excessively high prices for necessaries of life such as gasoline and oil for heat or be unable to drive to a job and freeze in a cold house. Second, congress' transferred in late1913 to private bankers, not accountable to American voters, their constitutional duty to regulate the value of the dollar. This transfer has led to a large financial loss of the captive middle class. Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" will return to congress, accountable to those voters, their constitutional duty to regulate the value of the dollar. When American voters hire honest people at election time to work in the congress and presidency, only then will the American Republic run as the Founders intended. This description sounds like an attempt to commit treason against the Republic.

The rush to "global markets" has had a corrosive effect on America's economy and sovereignty. Click to see and hear Obama's criticism of fellow democrats who oppose the Trans-PacificPartnership in part for less jobs for Americans in America. George Soros, whose goal is to destroy the American economy for his personal financial gain, has stated that America is the "main obstacle" to a one world government of only rich and poor. George Soros is not only Obama's puppeteer but also he is his ventriloquist. Obama is the one who is WRONG and is a putz who scoffs at America's constitution and the values of John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison.

Who are the bilderbergers? In two words, stealthy thugs in fine suits.

Click to read about them and their quest for a one government world of only the bad rich and poor without the economic engine, the middle class. Reliable people have said that William Clinton, Barack Obama, George "read my lips" Bush are a few of their affiliates. These three people and others whom good Americans voted into office to run their country's business then, in turn over decades, appointed people to work in offices in the Congress and Presidency who want to help destroy the middle class who had no real awareness of those appointments. It is now easier to understand why the economy of the American Republic does not run as its Founders such as John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Hamilton intended.

Click to read Jim O'Neill's true story about George Soros, another bilderberger affiliate

Abraham Lincoln said  “You can’t make a weak man strong by making a strong man weak”.  He also said "No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent." The idea is his second quote is a key provision in America's Declaration of Independence. 

Click to read about the Republicans' control of both chambers of Congress. On November 4th, the American voters put the Koch brothers and others with money on the inside and put David Rockefeller and George Soros on the outside to look at their arrogant puppet Barack Obama. This control is a positive step for now but the voters must have their Congress make laws to take money out of politics so it will operate as the Founders of their Republic intended with a robust economy for the good rich, middle class, and poor - a tall order when Congressmen and some Presidents take the path of least resistance to wealth via bribery. Click to read Jim O'Neill's article on the American election results for this past November 4th.

Click to read how oil prices have fallen into a bottomless pit. But, click to see whether a renaissance exists for Founders' plan for the American Republic after the election results this past November 4th. Or, is it still business as usual because the rich bankers and the bilderbergers still have too much influence over members of America's Congress and Presidency? 

The states can help with executive orders, judicial judgments, and legislative rules to undo the destructive changes to laws, hidden in plain view by bribery and corruption,  since the 1970's to make their economy robust again. See Part 3 for re-enactment of a simple statute of only118 words, St.1919, c. 298, after its reckless removal from Massachusetts statute books in 1978.

Necessaries of life are "Things indispensable, or things proper and useful, for the sustenance of human life." Black's Law Dictionary [Fourth Edition, West Publ. Co. 1951] The bilderbergers and their affiliates in concert with the illegal monopolists Big Oil and Big Banks control the prices for necessaries of life such as gasoline and money. Contrary to law, they have economically trapped and attacked ordinary Americans with excessively high prices for those necessaries of life and stolen billions, if not trillions, of dollars since 1913 from American families without a scintilla of compassion and empathy as they try to become world rulers. Ordinary Americans best defense to this attack is to force their federal and state governments to operate the American Republic as its Founders intended and free from bribery and corruption.

On November 14, 2014, the House of Representatives in Congress approved the Keystone XL Pipeline for the ninth time. For details, click and on November 18, 2014, the Senate in Congress failed to approve the same pipeline. Click for details.

An important question is whether the House's approval is constitutional? A NO answer means the Congress does not operate the American Republic as the Founders intended which is not good for anybody.

The states have a vast reservoir of police powers to protect the health and safety on their inhabitants. The original thirteen states had all governmental powers. The People of those states later granted specific powers to the Congress and Presidency by Articles I and II of the federal constitution but they kept their vast reservoirs of police powers by Amendments IX and X of America's federal constitution..

The answer to this important question is NO because the House of Representatives by its approval of the pipeline has ignored these police powers of the states close to the pipeline. The Senate's disapproval does not affect the the police powers of the states where the pipeline passes through. Senate approval, if it occurs, of the pipeline will, of course, be as unconstitutional as the House's approval.

Until members of the Congress and Presidency understand how the Founders of the American Republic wanted it to operate for ordinary Americans, chaos will exist in America.

Click to watch a video about how Big Oil's business practices have made health and safety problems for people who live near the Port of Albany and how Daniel P. McCoy, executive director for the County of Albany, has signed an order for an oil moratorium to protect those people while the county investigates the source of those problems. Members of the Congress and Presidency do not share Daniel P. McCoy's concerns about the health and safety of ordinary Americans. Also, click to read an editorial in The Record at Troy, New York, about how the oil industry has worked overtime to set up its very own "Houston on the Hudson" before the public and regulators "caught on" [emphasis added].

Click to read about the decision of the Supreme Court Court in Albany, New York has ruled that the voters of towns in the State of New York will decide whether Big Oil and Big Gas companies may frack for gas within the borders of their towns. A trendsetter for other states? Hopefully, yes.

Click and compare its ideas with the ideas in The ideas in the first link go into more detail but Robert De Neufville's quote in the second link of Louis D. Brandeis' comparison of a "democracy" such as the American Republic with the "corporate democracy" [a concentration of a nation's wealth in the hand of a few] is great for its simplicity.

Click  to read about Vice-President Joseph Biden recent suggestion for the states to lead the nation out of the problems that the Congress and Presidency have allowed to plague ordinary Americans. His suggestion is consistent with the way that the State of New York has handled the problems that frackers have made for New York's inhabitants.

To read how Big Banks have stolen billions, if not trillions, of dollars from ordinary Americans by income taxes, click [video] from the history of money magicians and central banks. The information in this link is "a must" for the middle class to learn why the survival of the American Republic is at stake. In 1913, Congress made, and President Woodrow Wilson signed into law, the federal income tax law and the law that established the Bank. This illegal Bank, out of thin air, prints a lot of fiat money without either gold or silver to back it and then imposes a perpetually fictitious debt on the American Republic. By those two laws, the middle class has paid income taxes for the interest due on a fictitious debt for 100 years. Woodrow Wilson made these two laws when many members of congress went home for Christmas 1913 and while most Americans were asleep in bed. The middle class did not consent to these two laws. This link lasts for about three and one-half hours and reveals the reasons for wars and economic instability - all traceable to the greed of bankers and other illegal monopolists.

Click to read about Ron Paul's quest for the truth about how the Federal Reserve Bank [an illegal bank] does business as a first step to give ordinary Americans a voice in the way their American Republic controls their money suppply. The second step will be to put their Congress, not this illegal bank, back in charge of how to "coin money and regulate the value thereof" as the Founders of their Republic intended.

Click to read about four American presidents and three members of Congress who all either criticized the central bank or who tried to limit its existence. Three presidents died by an assassin's bullet, one narrowly escaped assassination, and the three members of Congress died in plane crashes.

A pattern exists: substantial pressure by our presidents or members of Congress to limit or end central banks led to their deaths. Prosecutors of the crime of murder who present this pattern with Andrew Jackson's  testimony to Martin Van Buren "The bank ...  is trying to kill me." and with the use of cui bono have given a jury enough to return a verdict of guilty in the event of new deaths of good Americans who want to shine the light of day on the records of the Federal Reserve Bank..

Whether the weapon is a guns or a plane the pattern is still there. Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" involves too many good people who want the General Accounting Office to investigate the business of the Federal Reserve Bank. Too many people now look at "Audit the Fed" and the likelihood of more deaths is less likely. Absent bribery, Audit the Fed may well be successful and Ron Paul may well provide the exception to the idea that "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong".

The Congress and Presidency can only govern the middle class with their consent. See IMAGE 2 below to read the portion of the Declaration of Independence that refers to this very important consent which makes the American Republic so unique among nations.

Click to read about Denmark and their happy inhabitants. A lack of corruption of Denmark's leaders stands out in stark contrast to the bribery and corruption widespread among present members of the Congress and Presidency who improperly operate the American Republic.

To read about the decision by America's House of Representative to sue President Obama for his violation of the doctrine of the separation of powers, click This doctrine is a basic part of the legal structure that the Founders used when they formed the American Republic. Congress as the maker of laws such as Obamacare is generally the only part of government that can make changes to Obamacare and the Presidency is to faithfully execute [carry out], in this instance Obamacare, but the Presidency can not generally unilaterally make changes to a law once it is on the statute books such as Obamacare.The courts say what a law means in case of disputes arise from the law. Click to see who else plans to sue President Obama. For details about the House's litigation against the president, click to read about an obstacle to the House's litigation against president Obama. The obstacle may not be as big as it sounds. To read the House's Complaint against the president, click "Read Full Lawsuit" in the inner link. Go to pages 26-28 of the House's Complaint to read what relief the House asks the trial court to give them against the presidency. Very likely, the defendants will file a Motion to Dismiss the House's litigation soon. Who can sue a president if the House can not do so?

The idea behind the next story of Market Basket is the strong will of of American workers who supported a good CEO for Market Basket.

For a long time, present co-owners of Market Basket - a chain of supermarkets in New England - have disagreed over how to manage Market Basket which traditionally features very low prices of their products, mostly necessaries of life, in its many stores to consumers. Co-owner Arthur T. Demoulas advocates for low prices and favorable treatment of Market Basket's employees but his cousin Arthur S. Demoulas wants to offer prices of their products to consumers more in line with the higher prices of other supermarkets. Arthur S. recently gained control of Market Basket's board of directors and Market Basket fired Arthur T. this past June. In time, Market Baskets' stores had little, if any, products in them. Suppliers stop deliveries of products to the chain's failure to pay them. But, the employees of Market Basket gave their full support to Arthur T. to enable him to recently buy Market Basket and continue to offer low prices to consumers and favorable treatment of the employees.

Greedy and lazy people infiltrated Market Basket to take control of the supermarket chain for their personal financial gain. What saved Market Basket from these people was the strong will of Market Basket's employees. Their confidence and trust in Arthur T. Demoulas to do what is best for Market Basket and its employees forced those greedy and lazy people to give up their plan to take over Market Basket.

Click and to read about the prosperous Market Basket which is similar to the prosperous American Republic but on a smaller scale. Like Market Basket's employees, ordinary Americans must similarly support the honest members of the Congress who want to do what is best for American Republic and must vote them to keep them in charge of the business of the American Republic and vote into the Presidency the likes of Arthur T. Demoulas who wants to do what is best for Market Basket, its customers, and its employees. Click to read how the feud at Market Basket started.

In a similar way, the bilderbergers and their affiliates, through bribery and other corrupt practices, have secretly infiltrated the Congress and Presidency. American voters must never again vote into the Presidency anyone who thinks likes Barack Obama. He carries out the commands of his puppeteer George Soros who tries to destroy the American Republic, its dollar, and the way Americans live. On the topic of secrecy, click to read the first quote of David Rocke-feller. He thanked the media who kept the "lights of publicity" off their plan for a one world government world without a middle class. David Rockefeller is not a person whom ordinary Americans voted into public office to run their American Republic. But, he is a person who wants to economically destroy the American way of life and the American dollar. The media, in concert with David Rockefeller and his ilk, have not given ordinary Americans the truth with the "lights of publicity" turned off as their country has veered from its constitutional path. See quotes from James Wardner's book, later in this Introduction, on the plan to secretly destroy America.

See Part 4 of this blog for excerpts [in yellow] from the 1903 opinion of the Supreme Court of Missouri that typifies the judiciary's hostility toward illegal monopolists then and now. The opinion describes in vivid detail the devastation that illegal monopolists impose on American families when they control prices for necessaries of life [such as food].

The Founders of the American Republic adopted the federal constitution with the Declaration of Independence and the common law in mind. See IMAGE 2 below to read how the central government [the Congress and Presidency] govern all Americans whether they are the rich, the middle class, or the poor but only with their consent. This requisite consent of Americans makes the American Republic a success story for the happiness of the three classes and makes it unique in the history of nations. This requisite consent prevents rulers in the lives of Americans if members of the Congress and Presidency honestly carry out their oaths of office. Legally, Americans have the right to "alter or abolish" their central government whenever the behavior of those members, usually from bribery, becomes destructive of their inalienable rights such as their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Central Banks
Here is how the Bank works.The Bank asks America's Bureau of Engraving and Printing to print Federal Reserve Notes such as $10, $50, $100 bills. Gold and silver are not set aside to support these notes. The Bank then declares that their notes equal the American Republic's debt due to the Bank. This debt is false and fictitious that the Bank pulls "out of thin air" and may be billions of dollars each time. By the 1913 Federal Income Tax Law, the Department of Treasury collects income taxes from the middle class on their income shown in their Federal Income Tax Return, Form 1040. The Department then uses the income taxes to pay interest due the Bank on the fictitious debt that is very large. These income taxes go from the middle class to the Bank via the Department of Treasury. The Bank's owners such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds then reap great financial gains at the expense of ordinary Americans whose money looks pretty much the same as the money in the Parker Brothers' game of Monopoly.

For the survival of the American Republic, any American court has no choice but to uphold the supreme law of the American Republic and declare that the Bank is an unconstitutional and illegal entity.


Abolition is too extreme a remedy for America's Republic. Its form of government is the best compromise for distribution of the Republic's wealth among the rich, middle class, and the poor. Alteration, a better choice, will take long, hard work. Term limits for Congress is one way to alter and the results will make America's founders smile again.

See IMAGE 3(a) where Calvin Coolidge says in the last sentence of the first paragraph of his letter to the Senate and House of Representatives :

"Government fails as an administrator of justice if it permits to go unchallenged an exorbitant charge upon the public." Since the 1970's, the America's Congress and Presidents have failed as administrators of justice.

Somehow too many a few King Georges III have infiltrated the America Republic who must be punished for their conspiracy of the attempt to commit treason at a minimum.

The rest of this blog goes into more detail of how the illegal behavior of members of the Congress and Presidency have allowed Big Oil and the Bank to weaken the economy of the American Republic. The middle class must tell their legislators and governors in their states to adopt and use the simple criminal law [St. 1919, c. 298] of only 118  words that Governor Calvin Coolidge, Senator John Walsh, and other Massachusetts legislators in 1919 used to combat inflation from predatory practices of the profiteers when it comes to prices for necessaries of life such as coal [today's gasoline] to protect ordinary Americans and their families from economic harm.

See IMAGE 3(b) below to read the the Boston Daily Globe's article on June 27, 1919, on the Legal Affairs Committee's Report for St. 1919, c. 298 before Governor Calvin Coolidge signed it into law less than three months later on September 5, 1919.

See IMAGE 1 of Part 3 to read the original text of silent Cal's law that he signed on September 5, 1919, for protection of ordinary Americans which Governor Michael S. Dukakis unwisely removed from the Massachusetts statutes on August 10, 1978, in a hostile move against ordinary Americans only a few short years after the first "oil crunch" in America.


Left Click Either IMAGE 3(a) Or IMAGE 3(b)
To Enlarge These Images






Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Have Legislators Earned Their Salaries? (Part 1)


Illegal monopolies like Wall Street speculators notably Goldman, Sachs & Company and Big Oil have transformed members of Congress and the Presidency from guardians of our constitutional form of government into their puppets in exchange for "perks".

Everyone needs money to live but illegal monopolies have an insatiable appetite for it. An arabic  expression, after translation into the American language, is "With money, you can buy lemonade even in hell" applies to illegal monopolists in the hereafter.

The solution to the inconsistency in the title for this Part is for Congress and the Presidency to change their ways and enforce the federal antitrust laws against all illegal monopolists: such as Apple, AT&T, the Wall Street speculators, and Big Oil especially those monopolists who deal in necessaries of life now in the new "global markets".

See Part 3 for the best solution which takes economic power from Congress and the Presidency and returns it to the states and the People where it naturally belongs.

The Presidency's use of the federal antitrust laws against Apple and AT&T to manage the American economy but not against the speculators and Big Oil is inconsistent and a wasteful use of America's valuable resources. Americans will enjoy even lower prices if the Presidency will also use the federal antitrust laws against Wall Street speculators and Big Oil.

Apple market iPads and AT&T markets cellular telephones. iPads and cellular telephones are not necessaries of life. Americans want these products and voluntarily pay for them even though substitutes such as computers and landline telephones are available at either comparable or even lower prices.

The Presidency uses the federal antitrust laws against Apple. Click to read David Goldman's article on April 11, 2012, with the title DOJ sues Apple over a price fixing scheme.

Though long over due, ordinary Americans must their 50 states to develop a national plan with criminal laws to prevent illegal monopolies in the way that Massachusetts did from 1919 to 1978. The US Supreme Court  will probably not be against such a plan as the first link above reveals. See also Part 3.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Have Legislators Earned Their Salaries? (Part 2)


The way that members of Congress and the Presidency manage our country is fiscally irresponsible and is inconsistent with the customs, practices, and traditions embraced by Americans in their Declaration of Independence, federal and state constitutions, and their common law.

First, they start wasteful wars of dubious legality in the Middle East and elsewhere to make ordinary Americans fight and die for "freedom" while American corporations reap financial gains from the wars. Second, they ship billions of Americans' dollars by plane to Afghanistan and Iraq only to learn that they do not where the dollars disappeared. Third, they use information from their jobs for their personal financial gain. Fourth, they allow illegal monopolies like oil speculators on Wall Street or elsewhere and Big Oil to impoverish ordinary American with record high prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life despite the availability of the federal antitrust laws to lower those prices. Fifth, they too quickly raise the national debt of Americans. Sixth, they set a bad example that it is good to waste money and live beyond your means.

Sovereignty is another word for governmental protection. Do the rulers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia want to protect Americans from high prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life? Do the members of Congress and the Presidency protect ordinary Americans by use of the federal antitrust laws against illegal  monopolists? The answer to both questions is clearly NO and the answer to the second question is also NO because the Presidency has not used the federal antitrust laws against illegal monopolists.

Click to read an everyday discussion about monopolies with the title HISTORY OF MONOPOLIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Courts have always branded monopolies as illegal when they can control prices especially for necessaries of life by suppression of competition.

Click for more details about sovereignty and constitutional law. 

Here at home in America, why has the President totally failed to sue the Wall Street speculators and Big Oil to use the federal antitrust laws against them with the price for gasoline near $4.00 a gallon? Many families, especially those without jobs, in America struggle with high prices for necessaries of life.

To learn that Congress, and presumably the Presidency, knew about the record high prices for gasoline at least as early as 2008, click sid=aDXobDFcwNuM to read Bob Wills' article on June 15, 2008, with the title Congress Should Take on Oil Speculators, Senators Say and to read the article by Steve Hargreaves, CNN Staff Writer, on June 17, 2008, with the title Congress takes aim at oil speculators.

An important purpose of any government is to make rules of law to control human behavior. A rule for the regulation of prices for necessaries of life allows inhabitants to enjoy normal lives is example of a legal rule. This rule is the main topic of this blog and is St. 1919, c. 298. See Part 3. This criminal law of only 118 words was part of the Massachusetts statute books from 1919 until 1978. This law is superior [for reasons see NOTE 1 below] to any antitrust law. Its simple presence in the statute books of any state with the threat of criminal prosecution with possible jail time deters operators of illegal monopolies from their predatory practices in "any necessary of life".

We may name this statute the Coolidge-Walsh Law after its chief sponsors, Governor Calvin Coolidge and Senator John Walsh of Massachusetts. The original text of the legal rule in St. 1919, c. 298 appears in IMAGE 1 at end of Part 3.

Another example of a legal rule are the rules that collectively make up America's federal antitrust laws, 15 USCA Section 1 et seq, which starts with the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act. These laws are to maintain competition and break up illegal monopolies - at least in theory. Members of Congress and the Presidency have not used these laws for many decades and the federal antitrust laws are inferior [for reasons see NOTE 2 below.] to the Coolidge-Walsh Law. Those members have broken the very rules that they sworn to uphold which include their duty to protect Americans from monopolies.

The purpose of both rules is to maintain competition among smaller companies to keep lower prices for gasoline that, in turn, lower prices for other necessaries of life and even luxuries. Without lower, stable prices, Americans will not be able to plan and enjoy normal family lives. Politicians, many of them lawyers, have allowed gasoline prices continue to rise without regard to Americans' ability to pay them. Loyal politicians take positive action when their people cry out in pain.  See Part 4 to read excerpts [hi-lited in yellow] from the opinion of the Supreme Court of Missouri that vividly describes the devastation that greedy monopolies impose on ordinary American families with their high prices for necessaries of life and the court's position that governments must intervene to protect helpless families from illegal monopolies.  
By their own choice, monopolies now trade in the "global markets" where nobody represents the interests of Americans. Congress and the Presidency have utterly failed to use the authority [federal antitrust laws] to protect Americans who are without anybody to represent them in this country as well - when it comes to necessaries of life. Their sovereignty and economy are like mirages in a desert and are in serious danger. Global markets only benefit illegal monopolies and their owners such Goldman, Sachs & Co. and ExxonMobil at the expense of ordinary Americans who are trapped by a basic need to live. These markets are the topic in Part 5.
In parts of Massachusetts, the price of a gallon of lead-free regular gasoline is $3.89 but the price of a gallon of whole milk is $2.40 which is substantially less.

Why should gasoline be 62% higher in price than milk per gallon? Milk is, without doubt, a necessary of life. Americans from babies to teens to adults drink milk to sustain their lives.  Today, gasoline, oil for heat, and natural gas are also everyday examples of necessaries of life. People can not live without necessaries of life in contrast to luxuries such as a diamond ring which have competitive substitutes.

The price of milk is subject to state regulation.We can only wonder about how high the price per gallon of whole milk to ordinary Americans will go if the Wall Street speculators were also able to gamble in, and manipulate, the price of milk that Americans need to lead healthy lives?

The prices of gasoline, oil for heat, and diesel fuel must also be subject to regulation by the states. Those products are no less necessaries of life than milk is in today's society.

From their world headquarters in Congress and the Presidency, Wall Street speculators and Big Oil have forced grocery stores to increase the price of a gallon of milk to ordinary Americans via higher transportation costs from gasoline and diesel fuel.

To read an example of a titanic transfer of wealth from Americans to five speculators in Oklahoma, click to learn about their heist that snatched $50,000,000 from our economy and concentrated our wealth into the hands of a few. A person with an annual salary of $50,000.00 will have to live 1,000 years to earn $50,000,000 - before taxes! The speculators and Big Oil use pen and paper ["short contracts"], not a gun and bag, to steal money from Americans in a matter of either days or weeks. They do not even need a get-away car. These heists are unhealthy for America's economy.

Heists such as the one in the previous paragraph do not make America great. They are too close to larceny for comfort. Congress and the Presidency have put their imprimaturs on these heists by failure to break up monopolies such as Wall Street speculators and Big Oil.

In sharp contrast to heists, an excellent model to make jobs and wealth in America by creativity is Xerox Corporation. Many decades ago in 1937, Chester Carlson invented xerography [from Greek dry writer] He developed, manufactured, and marketed photocopiers with the financial help of Joe Wilson of The Haloid Company whose attitude was not to make quick money and retire on his riches. Joe Wilson wanted his company to make a positive impact on the world and they both were successful.

Today, Xerox Corporation has about 130,000 employees who manufacture high quality products through creativity, not "short contracts". Wall Street speculators and Big Oil examples are not at all like Xerox Corporation. They are examples of illegal monopolies whose goals greatly differ from the goals of Chester Carlson and Joe Wilson whose company was a success from the magic of creativity, hard work, and honesty.

Click to view a video on how some Americans creatively avoid the use of a gun and bag to steal from a gasoline dealer. This "fight fire with fire" approach is not healthy for America and it exists only because Congress and the Presidency silently refuse to do their jobs to break up monopolies like Wall Street speculators notably Goldman. Sachs & Company and the companies that make up Big Oil by enforcement of the antitrust laws.

The Presidency's failure in 2008 to provide the [questionable] $700 billion bailout earlier allowed Bear, Stearns and Lehman Brothers to collapse and, either by accident or design, the failure strengthened Goldman, Sachs into a stronger illegal monopoly. Henry Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury in 2008, earlier had been in charge of Goldman, Sachs & Company.

Congress and the Presidency certainly have not given ordinary Americans their "tax dollars worth" by their failure to protect them from those monopolies whose lobbyists work in Washington, DC. The new "global markets" where illegal monopolies trade make their failures look intentional.

No law is perfect and, if perfect, humans administer laws. The Coolidge-Walsh Law; St.1919, c. 298; gave stability to prices for necessaries of life from 1919 until 1978 by its mere presence in the Massachusetts statute books even as Americans worked and slept 24/7. Americans should give this law a second chance. They will receive their "tax dollars worth" from it.

Why have members of Congress and the Presidency, all of whom have sworn to uphold the laws, broken the rules, in this case, the federal antitrust laws?

Click to read the article with the title "Of Perks and Politicians" on January 5, 2012, which compares America's federal government with the Belizean government in Central America. The article ends with the idea that Belizean politicians spend millions of dollars to obtain a job in government that has an annual salary of $90,000. "Perks, baby, perks. Perks and power." This idea applies to American politicians as well.

You, the readers, be the judges at the polls this November 2012, and decide if there is a good reason to fire members of Congress and the Presidency who have even appeared to have broken our country's rules in exchange for "perks" from Wall Street speculators and Big Oil. Let new people have a chance to protect Americans from illegal monopolies.

NOTE 1: This law, in effect, removes gasoline and other necessaries of life from the commodities markets and the mere presence of this law on the statute books of any state makes monopolies obey this law and not trade in "any necessary of life" under the threat of criminal prosecution, and possible jail time upon conviction, . Unlike the federal antitrust laws, this law brands the violators as criminals no matter how well they otherwise behave.

NOTE 2: The antitrust laws leave gasoline and other necessaries of life in the commodities markets. Americans will have to wait until prices are too high for comfort by illegal monopolies and the government will have to make a lengthy investigation then go to court. By that time, consumers may have no cash and no home. The worst part is that a court may say that a monopoly has behaved well enough to escape a break up.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Have Legislators Earned Their Salaries? (Part 3)


Click  to read about Vice-President Joseph Biden's suggestion the states lead the nation: to solve the problems that the Congress and Presidency have allowed to burden ordinary Americans. This part also advocates for the enactment of a simple criminal law of 118 words, St. 1919, c. 298, to break the grip by Big Gas, Big Oil, and Big Banks on the the prices for necessaries of life such as gasoline, natural gas, money, and oil for heat in each of the 50 states in the American Republic.

Members of the Congress and Presidency have allowed illegal monopolists such as Big Gas, Big Oil, and Big Banks to abuse and bully the inhabitants of the American Republic for their personal financial gain for decades. 

At least one state - the State of New York was ahead of the Vice-President. Click to read Peter Iwanowicz's statement about Daniel McCoy courageous landmark Order against Global Partners for a moratorium on additional expansion at the Port of Abany. Also, click to read the editorial of the Troy Record about the secretive ways of a member of  Big Oil that prompted Daniel McCoy's landmark order. Then click to read about the decision by the Court of Appeals in New York that ruled that voters towns in the State of New York may ban frackers from extraction of natural gas within each town's borders. The citation by name of parties for this decision is Wallach, Trustee v. Town of Dryden and Cooperstown Holstein Corporation v. Town of Middlefield. Click to read that the voters in oil-rich City of Denton, Texas, have also banned frackers' use of their land.

Click to read [with video] about a federal judge's recent approval of Arizona's "show-me-your-papers" new law which is as an example of a state's police power to pass a law to protect its inhabitants' health and safety as St. 1919, c. 298 did for almost 59 years.

Consistent with Amendments IX and X to the federal constitution, the fifty states have a duty to regulate the prices for necessaries of life such as gasoline. The fifty states successfully cooperated with one another to regulate commercial business in the American Republic by the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC]. Use of a search engine like google will verify that each of the fifty states has adopted the UCC with minor differences in text necessary for some states. For example, type in the search bar "uniform commercial code for maine".

Let the ordinary American across America help decide how they want to run their 51 governments, not a handful of politicians in Congress and the Presidency who easily fall under the influence of another handful of managers of  Big Gas, Big Oil, oil speculators, and Big Banks.

This blog proposes a national plan similat to the UCC for each of the 50 states enact a criminal law such as in IMAGE 1 below that will regulate the prices for "any necessary of life" in the same way that it did in Massachusetts from 1919 until 1978 and will restore the sovereignty of ordinary Americans. This criminal law with penalties of jail time and fines is a superior alternative to federal antitrust laws. The mere possibility that a Attorney General of a state may prosecute an illegal monopoly is enough. Click to read about deterrence of criminal laws.
The federal antitrust laws do not have this watch-dog protection. because, though illegal, Big Gas, Big Oil, oil speculators, and Big Banks simply go to one place, Washington, DC, with their suitcases full of cash to bribe and corrupt members of the Congress and Presidency.

This criminal law does not cover luxuries. Courts of each state will have the duty to decide what products and services are necessaries of life and are luxuries. Gasoline, money, and food are necessaries of life but jewelry usually is not a necessary of life.

See IMAGE 1 below to read the original text of this simple criminal law of only 118 words. Shakespere could not have said it any better. The statutory citation for this law is St. 1919, c. 298. Senator John Walsh was a major advocate of this law which Governor Calvin Coolidge signed into law as an emergency measure on September 5, 1919, to protect the middle class from inflation and profiteers after World War I until 1978 when Governor Michael S. Dukakis unwisely undid the wisdom of Calvin Coolidge and John Walsh.

This blog will refer to this criminal law as the Coolidge-Walsh Law [CW Law] which is well within any state's police power for the protection of its inhabitants in the regulation of prices for any necessary of life.

This national plan will shrink the size of Congress and the Presidency to fit their activities within the powers in Article I, Section 8  and Article II of the federal Constitution and allow the 50 states to make laws within the full scope of Amendments IX and X of the federal constitution. As James Madison said in Paper No. 46, "... Many considerations ...  seem to place it beyond doubt that the first and most natural attachment of the people will be to the governments of their respective States ... ." [Emphasis added.] Jay, John; Madison, James; Hamilton, Alexander (2011-03-30). The Federalist Papers (Kindle Locations 4032-4034). Kindle Edition.

Here are five advantages from a CW Law to protect America from Big Gas, Big Oil, oil speculators, and Big Banks and, at the same time, shrink the size of the Congress and Presidency to bring their activities within the express powers in Article I, Section 8 and Article II of the federal constitution and let the legislative powers and the economic power of the people and the states again grow within the full scope of Amendments IX and X.

1. It stops concentration of our country's wealth in the hands of a few to let ordinary Americans keep enough money to live normal lives and keep their democracy healthy for everyone. Click to read about Louis D. Brandeis' description of the corporate democracy.

2. It is a vigilant Watch-Dog, 24/7, to stop inflation and artificial prices for "necessaries of life" well above their natural price by competition for nearly 59 years - from September 5, 1919 to August 10, 1978, even when Americans were asleep in bed.

3. It is a legal obstacle to make it difficult, if not impossible, for illegal monopolists to influence the many judges and prosecutors of many courts of the 50 states with nominal dangers of corporate democracy.

4. It will use state courts run by judges and prosecutors that taxpayers have already paid for and are able to handle any new criminal business without duplication of costs to taxpayers.

5. It is a simple statute of only 118 words in sharp contrast to the new, but very awkward, Massachusetts Antitrust Law of nearly 3,500 words that replaced it in 1978.


If you are able to print copies of St. 1919, c. 298, please make three copies. Then send a copy to your governor, your speaker of the house of representative, and your president of the senate in your state legislature and ask them to make this type of criminal law a part of your state's statute books for relief from the pain at the pump and indirectly at the cash register at the food market.

Otherwise, send your request [with your name and address] to for a prompt reply with 3 copies.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Have Legislators Earned Their Salaries? (Part 4)


In 1903, the Supreme Court of Missouri vividly described the devastation that illegal monopolies have on American families in State v. ex. inf. E. Crow v. Armour Packing Company et ali, 173 Mo. 356 (1903). See IMAGE 1 at the end of this Part 4 for excerpts [hi-lited in yellow] from Justice Marshall's opinion for the court to read that description and how the present severe economic decline of American families fits that description., how illegal monopolies strike at the foundations of governments, and how they threaten the perpetuity of governments everywhere. Click this link to read about the present devastation at the hands of operators of illegal monopolies in cahoots with very badly managed governments of ordinary Americans
Click to read Robert deNeufville's two page article on February 22, 2010, with the title The Dangers of Corporate Democracy in which he quotes Louis D. Brandeis' description of a corporate democracy. The Presidency has ignored the wisdom of Louis D. Brandeis by their failure to break up illegal monopolies in America.

The Coolidge-Walsh Law is the best legal device to stop and control illegal monopolies for preservation of America's constitutional form of government for years to come. It allows ordinary supply and demand to set the natural price of free competition for gasoline and other necessaries of life. For a copy of the original text [of only 118 words] for the Coolidge-Walsh Law, see IMAGE 1 at the end of the previous Part 3. Left click on the excerpts to obtain a more readable IMAGE 1.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Have Legislators Earned Their Salaries? (Part 5)


The ways that Wall Street speculators and Big Oil do business in the new "global markets" are inconsistent with the ordinary American's customs, practices, and traditions that America's federal and state constitutions embrace. Click to read about a US government plan that is a violation of the rules in the Declaration of Independence. See text highlited in yellow in IMAGE 1 of the Introduction of this blog.

Reference to specific speculators Koch brothers with their offshore "oil shark" tankers near America and Britain appears near the outset of the Introduction of this blog. They use their tankers as tools to invade the wallets of ordinary Americans. Also, their tankers endanger the world's environment and wildlife with massive oil spills.

Koch brothers, in cahoots with other oil speculators and Big Oil, pressure members of the Congress and Presidency to quietly make rules that let them set artificially high prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life so oppressive that ordinary Americans, their captive buyers, are unable to save money for emergencies in everyday life.

Today, the wealthy people want to be even richer at the expense of ordinary Americans. They brush aside "sovereignty", the nuclei of America's 51 constitutional governments. They find that manipulation of prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life is a very profitable path to even greater accumulation of money as they extract it from the wallets of ordinary Americans. Koch Brothers, mentioned in the Introduction, use "oil shark" tankers to store oil offshore of America to understock the American market to raise its price when they bring the oil onshore to sell its well above the natural price of free competition. Now for the reasons why "global markets" for the rich are illegal.

Sovereignty is another word for a government's protection of its inhabitants. In a real way, Americans are  without any representative inside and outside America for the stable  prices for necessaries of life in "global markets". Outside, the rulers of Saudi Arabia, for example, who may understock oil markets at will, do not care about Americans. Let them pay record high prices for gasoline. Inside, the Presidency has not used, for decades, the federal antitrust laws to break up illegal monopolies like Wall Street speculators and Big Oil to lower prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life to Americans. Congress is under the influence of money of the operators of illegal monopolies and remains silent. The 50 states [except for Massachusetts from 1919 to 1978]  idly watch as Congress and the Presidency allow illegal monopolies to flourish and do business in "global markets" without due process of law and equal protection of the laws that are a part of America's sovereignty for its inhabitants.
Click to read Fareed Zakaria's article on January 15, 2012, with the title "Why Oil Prices Will Stay High" especially his last six paragraphs that refer to foreign nations' need to keep oil prices high [at Americans' expense] to balance their budgets. Those nations, by their ability to understock the oil markets, hold oil prices well above their natural prices of free competition in a way consistent with the goals of illegal monopolies such as Wall Street speculators and Big Oil.

With no choice but to pay them, Americans now truly fund not only the budgets of those foreign nations but also the profits of America's illegal monopolies. To read about the amount of quarterly profits in 2007 for one of the corporations that make up Big Oil, click to read the article ExxonMobil shatters profit records by David Ellis, CNN staff writer on February 1, 2008. As David Ellis points out the $11.7 billions profit equals a $1,300.00 per second in profits. Per hour, the profit is $4,680,000.00 in 2007, nearly five million dollars an hour. These numbers stagger the imagination.

"Global markets" without a global government with rules to protect Americans and other people in other nations from illegal monopolies will only lead to chaos and confusion everywhere and make the rich even richer in the short term. But, the nations of this world will not promptly set up a global government with sovereignty for everyone. Americans can not wait. See NOTE below.

Stop the illegal monopolies with either a Coolidge-Walsh Law in 50 states or the federal antitrust laws for protection Americans. See Part 3 of this blog where you may read the original text of that simple law of only 118 words. Americans will regain their sovereignty and will have lower, stable prices for gasoline and other necessaries of life. The Law is more durable than an antitrust law, is self-executes to work 24/7 every year forever once it is part of a state's statutory law.

NOTE: As a matter of law, Congress and the Presidency can not provide Americans with sovereignty inside "global markets" beyond this country's territorial limits without treaties with foreign nations. But, the President still has authority to enforce the federal antitrust laws against illegal American monopolists and  illegal foreign monopolists with minimum contacts with America in American courts to protect ordinary Americans from record high prices for necessaries of life. The presidency has not used their authority to protect Americans from illegal monopolists' predatory practices.